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System Reqirements

Market Research

We created a general scenario solution and determine the system requirements due to the solution. In addition, we corrected our Market Research accordingly.




The Solution


* Collection of environmental and personal data

* Providing a personal recommendation

* Feedback


System Requirements


1. Enter your destination
View map + Self-location
2. Presentation of data and recommended way
Data collection and calculation -

Environmental data
Weather Forecast
Type and nature of the road - designated / non-designated
traffic jams
Traffic hazards
Tool integrity
Traffic laws
Distance to destination
Personal data
Reference to Travel History:
Fixed routes
The nature of the ride of the rider
A recommended way

Recommend which tool to use
If a bicycle / electric scooter is selected
* Travel time to destination
* Traveling distance
* Displays a picture of the destination
 * Using psychological tools


3. Continue traveling-passive
Traffic offenses - driving against traffic (alternative - calculation by feedback)
Driving speed
Data collection and calculation -


4. Reach the destination and give feedback
Prompts voice notifications
Textual feedback about the trip

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