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Values and Scenario

At first, we raised factors that would be affected by our solution, such as riders, drivers (private and public transportation), pedestrians, parents, law and enforcement authorities, insurance companies.

Later, we thought about factors that provide different values that may accompany our solution, as well as their contrast as functions or dis-functions. Such as - road safety, smart user system, personal responsibility.

In the last stage, we took 'hospital' as a metaphorical case study and thought about the accompanying values. We found that the leading values in this metaphor are -

1.Sensitivity Individual therapy

Assisting in the formulation of norms relating to the use of light transport vehicles (bicycles and electric scooters mainly) by increasing sensitivity to environmental conditions and laws. Traveling with a helmet, not using headphones and riding only in luxury ways are some examples of norms to be imparted to users.

Focusing on the specific user based on personal data collected throughout use. The solution will give weight to user characteristics by

2. Personalization Future treatment
weighting personal data collected during use.


3. guidance for the future
The tool will generate recommendations and suggestions to improve user safety. The emphasis is on looking to the future and not just dealing with what happened, but what can happens.


Tomer wakes up early in the morning and goes to work a few kilometers from his home. Tomer checks the daily weather forecast according to its location and destination.
He has an electric bicycle and a private car, so he debates what tools use to optimize the trip and ensure its safety.

Tomer checks the travel times in relation to the optional transport vehicles and according to the traffic jams and obstacles on the way.

Tomer chooses to use the electric bicycle according to the recommendation he received. Before leaving, he receives a safety warning that reminds him to take the helmet with him, and also warns that a periodic inspection of the bicycle is required.

The application prepares Tomer for the trip and brings to his attention points that may be a problem depending on the situation on the way. Tomer receives a number of messages whose role will keep his concentration and his attitude towards the path.

At the end of the trip, Tomer receives recommendations for a safer trip based on the travel data he has made and notices updates regarding the operations from a vehicle he had made during the trip.

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